Five Nodes - Poweredge 730XD - dual Xeon(R) CPU E5-2650 v3 - 20 cores (40 with HT) per node, 256GB RAM
100 core totaltotal
Three Nodes - Poweredge R6525- Dual AMD EPYC 7443 - 48 cores (96 with HT) per node, 256GB RAM
Nodes are grouped into partitions. The following partitions are configured.
CPU Nodes: Eight nodes 1 -8. Nodes 1-5 Five nodes have academic priority (academic jobs will run on these nodes first)
CPU-RESEARCH: Nodes 6Three nodes - 8 research jobs will run on these nodes - requires PI approval
GPU: Five nodes 9-13 for coursework projects and research - requires PI/Faculty approval
Resource allocation is set using Quality of Server (qos) in slurm.