All students taking courses in the College of Engineering are granted a home directory. This is also the case for all Faculty and Staff in the College of Engineering.
You can access your home directory by browsing to the following UNC path (see the above section entitled Terminology and Usage for more information):
Code Block |
\\\<role> |
You should replace <role>
with your particular role as follows:
Undergraduate students should use
Graduate students should use
Staff members should use
Faculty members should use
In order to ensure that the Isilon storage cluster does not run out of space, quotas are enforced for each role. The quotas for each role are as follows:
Undergrads - 10GB
Grads - 50GB
Staff - 30GB
Faculty - 250GB
Your current quota usage can be viewed using the Isilon Management Portal by selecting the View Quotas menu option from the User Portal.