SSH is the recommended method of remotely connecting to Linux machines on campus. This page walks through the syntax for connecting to Linux machines via SSH.


Create a step-by-step guide:

  1. Connect to the TAMU Network:

    1. If you are on campus, connect to the Wi-Fi network TAMU_WiFi or eduroam

    2. If you are off campus, connect to your local Wi-Fi network. Open the Cisco AnyConnect VPN application and log in with your NetID and password.

  2. Open a terminal in your respective OS

    1. Powershell or Command Prompt on Windows

    2. Terminal on MacOS or Linux

  3. Use the following command syntax to connect to a remote Linux server

    ssh <netID>@<hostname>
  4. Enter “yes” at the following prompt:

    The authenticity of host '<host>' can't be established.
    ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:<####>.
    Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])?
  5. Enter your netID password

  6. Once the session is open, ls should list the contents of your home directory.

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