Theme Settings
Archive settings, titles, and descriptions
WordPress automatically builds archive pages for post types (People, Publications, Courses, etc.) and taxonomy terms (Categories, People Types, Subject Area). These pages’ titles will reflect the post type name or taxonomy term unless you edit the archive settings.
For example, to edit the People archives, go to People > Archive Settings and enter your new title in the Archive Headline. You may also enter an introductory paragraph here.
For taxonomy terms such as Faculty, first go to People > People Types. Edit the Faculty term. On this page, below the Name, Slug, and Description fields, you’ll see the Archive Headline and Intro options.
Available shortcodes for post info settings
In Genesis > Theme Settings, you have the option of using shortcodes to display information related to the post. Below is a list of shortcodes that can be used in these sections:
This function produces the date of post publication. Here is a list of attributes for this short code:
format – The format for the date. Defaults to the date format configured in your WordPress options.
before – Text/markup to place before the post date.
after – Text/markup to place after the post date.
label – Text to place before the post date.
[post_date format="F j, Y" label="Dated: "]
Output: Dated: November 12, 2012
This function produces the time of post publication. Here is a list of attributes for this short code:
format – The format for the time. Defaults to the time format configured in your WordPress options.
before – Text/markup to place before the post time.
after – Text/markup to place after the post time.
label – Text to place before the post time.
[post_time format="g:i a"]
Output: 12:01 pm
Note: More information on formatting date and time can be found here.
This function produces the author of the post (display name). Here is a list of attributes for this short code:
before – Text/markup to place before the post author name.
after – Text/markup to place after the post author name.
[post_author before="<em>" after="</em>"]
Output: Brian Gardner
This function produces the author of the post (link to author URL). Here is a list of attributes for this short code:
nofollow – assign nofollow to the rel attribute in the link to the author. By default is set to
before – Text/markup to place before the post author link.
after – Text/markup to place after the post author link.
[post_author_link before="<b>" after="</b>"]
Output: Brian Gardner
This function produces the author of the post (link to author archive). Here is a list of attributes for this short code:
before – Text/markup to place before the post author link.
after – Text/markup to place after the post author link.
[post_author_posts_link before="<b>" after="</b>"]
Output: Brian Gardner
This function produces the comment link. Here is a list of attributes for this short code:
zero – Text to display if zero comments on the post
one – Text to display if one comment on the post
more – Text to display if more than one comment on the post
hide_if_off – Enable the comment link even if comments are off.
before – Text/markup to place before the post comment link.
after – Text/markup to place after the post comment link.
[post_comments zero="No Comments" one="1 Comment" more="% Comments" hide_if_off="disabled"]
No Comments: No Comments
1 Comment: 1 Comment
Multiple Comments: 7 Comments
This function produces the tag link list. Here is a list of attributes for this short code:
sep – Separator between post tags
before – Text/markup to place before the tag list. Default “Tagged With: “
after – Text/markup to place after the tag list.
[post_tags sep=", " before="Tags: "]
Output: Tags: Tag Name
This function produces the category link list. Here is a list of attributes for this short code:
sep – Separator between post categories
before – Text/markup to place before the post category list. Default “Filed Under: “
after – Text/markup to place after the post category list.
[post_categories sep=", " before="Posted Under: "]
Output: Posted Under: Category #1
This function produces the edit post link for logged in users. Here is a list of attributes for this short code:
link – Text for edit link. Default “(Edit)”
before – Text/markup to place before the edit post link. Default “Filed Under: “
after – Text/markup to place after the edit post link.
[post_edit before="<b>" after="</b>"]
Output: A link to the edit post/page screen for that post will be displayed only for logged in users with a role that permits editing.
This function produces a list of terms associated with the post from the specified taxonomy. Here is a list of attributes for this short code:
sep – Separator between the terms.
before – Text/markup to place before the post terms list. Default “Filed Under: “
after – Text/markup to place after the terms list.
taxonomy – Which taxonomy to use. Default “category”
Featured image sizes
Single posts and pages
Individual People pages display the portrait at medium size, aligned to the right.
Single posts of any other post type show the featured image full-width above the post title. If the image is less than 900px wide in 2-column layouts or 532px wide in 3-column layouts, a gray background will show on either side. If the image has a caption, it will be displayed.
The defaults for site archives (category/tag/taxonomy term pages, date-based archives, author pages, custom post type listings) are set in Genesis > Theme Settings, in the Content Archives box.
Archives using the Grid Loop will reflect the Grid Loop settings rather than the general Theme Settings.
Featured images’ captions are not displayed on archive pages.
Sticky posts
Sticky posts on archive pages always use the medium image size and are aligned to the right, despite what’s shown in the Genesis Theme Settings. This treatment is coded into the Berkeley Engineering theme in the inc/image-sizes.php file.
To remove the sticky post images’ special treatment, add the following to a custom plugin file:
remove_filter( 'genesis_pre_get_option_image_size', 'berkeley_blog_image_sizes' );
remove_filter( 'genesis_attr_entry-image', 'berkeley_blog_image_classes', 10 );
To alter the special treatment, copy the berkeley_blog_image_sizes()
and berkeley_blog_image_classes()
functions from the theme’s /inc/image-sizes.php file to a plugin file (along with their corresponding add_filter()
lines), change the function names, and replace the logic as needed.
Grid layouts
This is a quick overview of how to use the Grid Loop layouts. See the plugin documentation for a full rundown of the Grid Loop settings.
In Genesis > Grid Loop, you can choose to display various archive pages as a grid. The Grid Loop settings will override the archive settings you have chosen in the Content Archives section of Genesis > Theme Settings.
The Grid Loop allows you to divide your page into two sections: Features, which will be displayed at the usual full width; and Teasers, which will be the smaller grid items. The grid can contain up to six columns, and you can use the total number of posts per page to adjust the number of rows.
In the example shown to the right, there are two Features followed by six Teasers in two columns.
To use the grid without any Features, simply set the number of Features (on both the first page and subsequent pages) to zero.
For Teasers in two or three columns, you may use the Small image size. For any more columns, use Thumbnail instead. Note that if your site is using a three-column layout, the Teaser columns will be very narrow.
Features can use Medium or Large image sizes.