Content Types

Content Types

People Tab

  1. Go to People > Organization > Add New and create your organization name

  2. Now under the People tab, click Add New to add a new entity

  3. You can then fill in the details and can even add media to personalize each entity

  4. Now go to Appearance > Customize > Menus as shown below. Select a menu and click Add Items as shown below

  5. Save and Publish your work. Similarly, you can add your created organization to the main menu.

Publications Tab

  1. Go to your Dashboard and under the Publications tab, click Add New Publications

  2. Go to Appearance > Menus and add Publications to your Main Menu as shown below. The Publications tab will show up on your website with all the publications that you have added under it.

Research Tab

Under the Research tab you can create research pages and display them on your website.

  1. Go to Research Tab and Add New Research page as shown below

  2. Now go to Appearance > Menus and you will get the following page. Add the Research option to your Main Menu as shown below

  3. This will display Research Tab on your webpage and clicking it will display all researches under it

People Directories

In addition to the list/grid view archive pages for people, you have the option to add a table directory.

Create a new page, and add the [people] shortcode. This will generate a table of all people, similar to the courses table, displaying name, title, phone number, and email. People will be alphabetized by last name. Sticky posts do not apply in the directory table.

To narrow down your list, you may add the type attribute containing one or more people_type slugs:

[people type="faculty"] [people type="student"] [people type="staff"] [people type="faculty,staff"]

You can also add multiple tables to a single page to separate listings by type, for example a table listing all faculty followed by a table of all staff.

<h3>Faculty</h3> [people type="faculty"] <h3>Staff</h3> [people type="staff"]