Tier 1: Service Desk | Email Address | Phone Number | Supported Departments/Centers |
AERO Support Group | 979-845-0821 | AERO - Aerospace Engineering ALLEMO - Aerospace Laboratory for Lasers, ElectroMagnetics and Optics ASTRO - Aerospace Technology Research & Operations CMOC - Center for Mechanics of Composites LASR - Land Air & Space Robotics LSWT - Oran W. Nicks Low-Speed Wind Tunnel NAL - National Aerothermochemistry and Hypersonics Laboratory TIMS - Center for Intelligence Multifunctional Materials UCAH - University Consortium for Applied Hypersonics | |
BMEN Support Group | 979-458-2384 | BMEN - Biomedical Engineering RCHT - Remote Healthcare Technology | |
BYOD/ZACH Support Group | 979-458-8888 | BYOD - Bring Your Own Device Program | |
CHEN Support Group | 979-845-3349 | CHEN - Chemical Engineering GRFC - Gas and Fuels Research Center MKOC - Mary Kay O’Connor Process Safety Center | |
CSCE Support Group | 979-845-5550 | CPSC - Computer Science and Engineering CRSR - Crasar DLIB - Center for Digital Libraries EMIN - Center for Emergency Informatics | |
CVEN/OCEN Support Group | 979-845-0335 | CVEN - Civil Engineering | |
Eastmark Support Group | 979-847-8585 | BUDG - Engineering Budget Office BULD - Infrastructure Support CONT - Contracts ESYL - Energy Systems Laboratory FISC - Fiscal Office RISK - Ethics and Compliance TDPD - Deputy Directory TCAT - Texas Center of Applied Technology CRIS - Crisman Institute CTHT - Center for Translation of Healthcare Technology CYBR - Cybersecurity Center LSSS - Center for Large-Scale Scientific Simulation NSER - Institute for National Security Education and Research OTRC - Offshore Technology Research Center TRD - TEES Industry Partnerships | |
ECEN Support Group | 979-458-7447 | ELEN - Electrical and Computer Engineering BGSE - Center for Bioinfo and Genomic Systems Engineering EDAC - Educational Acheivement SGCT - Smart Grid Center | |
EI Support Group | ENGY - Energy Institute | ||
ENGR Support Group | 979-458-8888 | CLEN - College of Engineering EITS - Network and System Support Services | |
EPO Support Group | 979-458-8697 | VICE - Vice Chancellor and Dean COMM - Engineering Communications DLEN - Engineering Distance Learning EAPO - Engineering Academic Programs Office EASA - Engineering Academic and Student Affairs FCOR - Facilities Coordination HUMR - Engineering Human Resources PAYR - Engineering Payroll Office IEEI - Institute for Engineering Education and Innovation SRDV - Regional Divisions STRI - Strategic Initiatives TADM - Administration TASD - Associate Director TCFO - CFO TECH - Technology Commercialization WEPE - Professional Education WORK - Workforce Development | |
ETID Support Group | 979-845-8969 | ENTC - Engineering Technology READ - Thomas and Joan Read Center for Distribution | |
ISEN Support Group | 979-458-2384 | INEN - Industrial Engineering IMSY - Institute Manufacturing Systems | |
MEEN Support Group | 979-458-8670 | MEEN - Mechanical Engineering CANV - Center for Autonomous Vehicles and Sensor Systems IMDM - Innovation in Mechanics for Design and Manufacturing TURB - Turbomachinery Laboratory | |
MSEN Support Group | 979-458-8670 | MSEN - Material Science and Engineering NCCN - National Corrosion and Materials Reliability Center PTCN - Polymer Technology Center MCF - Materials Charaterization Facility | |
MTDE Support Group | 979-458-2384 | MTDE - Multidisciplinary Engineering | |
NCTM Support Group | 979-458-2384 | NCTM - National Center for Therapeutics Manufacturing | |
NUEN Support Group | 979-458-2387 | NUEN - Nuclear Engineering NSSPI - Nuclear Security Science and Policy Initiative NESC - Nuclear Engineering and Science Center NPIS - Nuclear Power Institute | |
PETE Support Group | 979-458-1183 | PETE - Petroleum Engineering | |
RELLIS Support Group | CIR - Center for Infrastructure Renewal BCDC - Bush Combat Development Complex CNOP - Center Operations CORE - Office of Business Development MANU - Secureamerica Institute MPRF - Multi-Program Research and Education Facility NGLI - Global Initiatives | ||
TEES Support Group | 979-847-8585 | (See Eastmark Support Group) | |
TurboLab Support Group | 979-845-0821 | TURB - Turbomachinery Laboratory |
Tier 2: Services | Email Address |
COE MediaSite | |
ESL Support Group | |
JAMF Support Group | |
Laserfiche Support Group |
Tier 3: Services | Email Address |
Absolute Support Group | |
Accessibility Support Group | |
AD Support Group | |
Centrify Support Group | |
Crashplan Support Group | |
CyberArk Support Group | |
Desktop Central - MDT Imaging | |
DUO Support Group | |
Infrastructure Support Group | |
License Support Group | |
Linux Support Group | |
Papercut Support Group | |
Service Now Support Group | |
VDI Support Group | |
Windows Support Group | |
WordPress Support Group |
Tier 4: External Services | Email Address |
Exchange Shared Service (TAMU) | |
Networking Consultation (TAMU) | |
Networking Requests (TAMU) |