
Shortcodes are placeholders, surrounded by square brackets, that WordPress will automatically replace with longer text.

Page lists

Use [child-pages] or [subpages] to insert a table of contents, if the current page has child pages assigned to it. Parent pages with no content will display this list automatically - that is, you can create empty pages to organize subpages and provide sensible navigation into the deeper hierarchy levels.

You can create more complicated lists of specific content using the [display-posts] shortcode.

Custom fields

Any of the custom fields can be displayed using the [acf] shortcode, if the field group is available to the post type. That is, if you’re editing a person, you could display the job title in any text area by entering [].

Footer content

You can use [site-title] to display the site name, as specified in Settings > General.

The [footer_copyright] code will display the copyright symbol and the current year. To show a range of years ending with the current year, add a ‘first’ attribute: [footer_copyright first="2010"]

Use [footer_loginout] to display a log in / log out link.

People directories

You may use [people], with an optional type attribute, to display a directory of people. See the people directories page for more detail.