Logging into an Engineering Apple Device

Logging into an Engineering Apple Device

Apple devices are managed by our JAMF software which allows a user’s NetID account to tie directly to the local account on the device. On first sign-in, the cloud and local accounts must be tied together in order to work properly. These instructions will show how to sign in.

First Sign-in

  1. The machine must be connected to the internet to allow cloud login. JAMF Connect does not support enterprise networks, so Wi-Fi will not work on campus. If you are off-campus, you can connect to a Wi-Fi network such as a home network or a mobile hotspot.

  2. Enter your email address and NetID password to sign in

  3. You may be prompted to enter your password a second time to finish the creation of the local account. If you are, enter your password again.

  4. Complete any customization steps that appear

Local Login

After logging in once, your local account is saved on the computer, so you can log in using the local login option.

  1. Click the Local Login button at the bottom of the screen

  2. Enter your NetID and password to sign in

  3. Complete any customization steps that appear

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