Add Users to SharePoint Online

Add Users to SharePoint Online

This article shows the steps on how to Add Users to SharePoint Online. The document is broken into two sections of using the Main TEES Portal and using the Individual SharePoint research sub-TEES site.

Main TEES Portal

You can access the Main TEES SharePoint Portal at https://coeportal.engr.tamu.edu/

  1. Click on the gear icon in the top right hand corner and then select Site settings

  2. Select People and groups under Users and Permissions

  3. Click on New and then select Add Users

  4. Type in the names or email addresses of the users you would like to add, then include a personal message for the invite to the site if you so desire.

Individual SharePoint research sub-TEES site

  1. Click on Site settings

  2. Click on users and groups

  3. By clicking on the (…) symbol next to the user you can approve and decline users for the research team sub-site.

Basic Email sent to the user

Login Screen based off above email “TEES Portal” link

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